I have more than thirty years’ experience as a Physiotherapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner.
As a teenager I loved running and the fantastic feeling of being able to move easily. As sports captain at school, I encouraged all my fellow students to participate in sport and was amazed to find that some of them had never even had the opportunity to throw or catch a ball.
My love for movement - and encouraging others to experience the pleasure of movement - led to me training as a physiotherapist, where my particular interest was supporting people with complex injuries or neurological impairment.
I ‘discovered’ Feldenkrais while rehearsing a dance performance and began studying the method in depth in 1988. Deciding that Feldenkrais offered a much more expansive framework within which to explore and teach movement, I've never looked back.
I enjoy all aspects of of my practice from individual sessions to workshop leader, mentor and as an Assistant Trainer for Professional Development programs in Feldenkrais throughout Australia.
I teach weekly Awareness Through Movement® classes (during term times) at the Clunes Old School Association (COSA) and offer weekend and extended workshops on various topics for the public, parents, caregivers and educators throughout the year.
I provide individual sessions in Functional Integration® to students including: children and adults with neurological issues; NDIS participants with particular needs to help them make sense of the world. I also work with performing artists facing particular professional challenges.