Annemarie is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, a registered Physiotherapist and a Consultant and Advanced Clinician in Postural Support. She has lived, worked and studied in Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
Annemarie is passionate about the Feldenkrais method and the opportunity it gives to everyone to improve their life. The method has the potential to impact every aspect of our life; how we walk, how we communicate, swim, recover from illness and injury, how we brainstorm, make decisions, deal with deadlines and conflict and other stressful situations. She enjoys assisting people of all levels of abilities to find greater ease moving through everyday life and enjoying their chosen activities.
Annemarie discovered the Feldenkrais method post her back injury in 2005 for the first time and again in 2013 following a car accident. It has had an enormous effect on her personally enabling her to learn to move more elegantly and more importantly comfortably and pain free. The method provoked her ongoing curiosity about how habitual movement patterns can lead to stress, pain and injury and how the plasticity of the human brain can be utilised to learn new patterns of action enabling movement with ease, grace and efficiency. She herself attends regular ATM classes and enjoys her occasional individual Fi session.
Annemarie works with clients from all ages from infancy to senior years in her own Practice. She works with clients from all ages and abilities to improve their flexibility,strength, balance and vitality. She supports clients to find their own path to well-being through self-awareness, paying attention to how they sense and use themselves and bringing awareness to how they move so they can reach their full potential. She works with children and their families to maximise the child's capacity for learning new movements and improving posture, function and abilities.
She has helped many people with posture and alignment, balance and coordination, strength and flexibility. People recovering from illness and injury including the effects of stroke and other neurological origin. People suffering from back pain, neck, shoulder and hip pain. She supported people enhancing their performance and feeling of relaxation and wellbeing.
Annemarie is well-loved for her easy and caring manner and putting fun to functional efficiency. Regardless of the context she works in a purposeful, creative and interesting partnership with each of her clients.
Annemarie offers ATM classes, individual one on one FI sessions and workshops throughout the Perth area including Perth Hills and Perth City.
You are invited to ring Annemarie to discuss any further details about your Feldenkrais appointment and/or your ATM class and/ or visit her scheduling page or her website