Chat with the Assistant Trainer Series - Margaret Kaye
Thu, 15 Dec
|Online Zoom meeting
Theme: Forms of communication in ATM and FI

Time & Location
15 Dec 2022, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm AEDT
Online Zoom meeting
About the event
The use of hands in ATM and FI
Our primary role as Feldenkrais practitioners is communicating new pathways with people through movement. This is conveyed through verbal communication and touch. We are taught many aspects of these in our trainings, yet there are many elements to explore. When teaching an ATM we communicate movement possibilities though verbal guidance. How do we refine this to express our personal style while conveying the underlying philosophy of the method, in such a way that engages the participants? When giving an FI how, when and why do we speak with the participant?  And how do we convey meaning through touch? In such a way that they can learn and integrate new possibilities of embodied action? We will discuss these components of communication, with some ideas from Margaret….
About Margaret Kaye
Margaret Kaye has run an active practice since graduation from the Melbourne Feldenkrais Professional Training Program in 1991. Margaret is a certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner, Assistant Trainer, and member of the Australian Feldenkrais Guild.
Due to an Occupational Overuse injury Margaret was unable to work for several years. This is now a speciality area, amongst others. Margaret also specialises in working with performers, such as actors, musicians and athletes.
She has conducted lessons in various tertiary educational institutions including: the Australian Institute of Music (AIM), both with actors in Dramatic Arts and musicians in the Body Awareness for Musicians class in Classic Performance; and the National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) and the Bell Shakespeare Company.
Margaret conducts
- individual Functional Integration® lessons in Newtown. Home visits are also available.
- regular Awareness through Movement® classes in a range of locations: Coogee; and Newtown
- corporate programs for the prevention of work related injuries in offices, workplace assessments and consultancy for business through the Smart Sitting© program
- the Running Easy program to improve running ability and efficiency
- movement workshops for actors and performers. She is about to launch a workshop with a Shakespeare Actor called ‘The Aware Actor’.
- the Leadership and The Body program designed to help managers understand how to feel better and for managing their movements to effectively communicate
- continuing education, training and mentoring for Feldenkrais practitioners and studentsÂ
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