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Contact us:




Practice Address:

1 Walker St, Castlemaine VIC 3450, Australia


Julieta Mateo Vitale

Feldenkrais The Re Evolution of Motion

Services Available in the practice:

Awareness Through Movement

About this Practice:

Have you been holding tension in your pelvis and not knowing how to improve it?. Are you sensing discomfort in your lower back, and you already tried meditation and Yoga or a new Pilates course, but stretching, strengthening and sitting still for an extended period is not giving you any good?. If you have been experiencing any similar situations, I want you to know that you are not alone!
It is incredible to notice how many of us have been holding ourselves with limitations for a very long time and accepting it as part of NORMAL life.
But another way of holding yourself is possible. Come and join me, together we will explore the possibilities of improving your life from the inside out, without stretching, strengthening or working hard. Instead, you will explore how to use your muscles efficiently to coordinate your skeleton to move with ease and freedom.

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