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Join date: Jan 11, 2021


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I began practising the Feldenkrais Method back in 1990, although I had already been involved since 1983. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Beryl Kennedy who was a physiotherapist who had great experience of all kinds, having worked in Papua New Guinea during World War 11, experiencing many injuries there and then in Concord Hospital working closely with a "wonderful" orthopedic surgeon, gaining great skills for her patients. She then set up a private physiotherapy practice for many years to come. When I met her she was in her 60's and ready to hand over her practice to young physios. so that she could study the Feldenkrais Method.

I had been quite ill myself and needed some help for severe back pain. She came to my rescue and I learned not only how to reduce and later heal the pain I had been suffering, but also how to become aware of how I had been causing some of my pain, because of a lack of knowledge of myself and my body - one and the same thing!

I was hooked and very quickly began attending weekly workshops run by an American Feldenkrais Trainer visiting Australia. This in time became the first Feldenkrais Professional Training in Australia in 1986 to 1990. I became an Assistant Trainer in 1998 meaning I had the ability to help others learn in a professional training program.

Since then I have practised my craft every day except for short holidays to re-charge myself.

I run a practice for adults of all ages.

Jillian Alsford

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