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Join date: Jan 14, 2021


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My career life began as a passionate primary school teacher then morphed into being a home based learner with our three children. During that time, I developed a quarterly magazine written by and for homeschooling families across Australia. The driving force was my desire to exchange ideas, insights, projects, triumphs and shortfalls; to interact with a diverse range of people. The other driving force was an infinite curiousity for the development of the human being. Unschooling provided me an intimate opportunity to listen, observe, question and discover myself and fellow human beings. The organic learning was my nourishment.

When the children left the roost it was time to design a new playground. What emerged was an intense relationship with live theatre and performance. At the end of this period of my life, the catalyst into the next stage was a back injury. I hadn’t known physical pain like that and it was hanging around. A friend in theatre, Anna Yen (@Playmoves) pointed me in the direction of a Feldenkrais Training Course in Brisbane in 2011. I was still at home in my favourite place of organic learning. Like a flower, my life blossomed and unfolded. I realised that I am a beautiful, fertile garden. If that realisation is possible for me, then it is possible for others. Through the Feldenkrais Method I developed tools to help see the weeds, appreciate them and let them fall away. At the same time I learned to broadcast seeds.

Grace Chapman

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