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Join date: Jan 14, 2021


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I attended my first Feldenkrais Method lesson in early 1991 and was totally mystified as to how it worked but I knew that I always felt better afterwards - more relaxed and my movements felt easier. Over the years I continued to explore the Method and gradually came to develop some body awareness and to feel more connected to my body. This was very exciting and led me to complete the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program. Over the 4 years of the training, my posture changed dramatically, as did my flexibility, co-ordination, balance and breathing.

I love sharing my passion for Feldenkrais in either a one-on-one Functional Integration session or a group Awareness through Movement class. I also run group workshops.

Give me a call to discuss your needs and to find out how Feldenkrais can help you to feel more at ease in your body!

Robyn Lavery

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