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Contact us:




Practice Address:

Ocean Grove VIC 3226, Australia


Sandy Leathem


Services Available in the practice:

Awareness Through Movement & Functional Integration

About this Practice:

My professional career began in 1964 when I founded, as a sole trader 'MOVEMENT MATTERS’.
I’ve worked continuously over these years both internationally and nationally in many diverse settings, cultures and countries, and recently pivoted my programs ONLINE.

Today as an octogenarian Grandmother, a Physiotherapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner I bring a rich synthesis of evidence-based science and lived experiences into multiple online programs.

My insatiable passion is to inspire, wake-up, engage and energise the compelling lived experience for embodied, vital ageing.

I do this online through multiple ongoing weekly, group and individually tailored sessions and workshops.

Growing up as a kid in a Tasmanian National Park informed within me, a healthy childlike curiosity, playful creativity and quirky ‘outta-the-box’ common-sense thinking.

I bring to my sessions inspiring, thought-provoking explorations to demystify imposed cultural myths, thus empowering others to ‘join-the-dots’ and reveal that which had been hidden from their view!

For me life is about creating 'a new awareness' that grows beyond 'linear thinking'. To awaken an all-encompassing 'multi-dimensional experience' that transforms ‘fix-it’ thinking to achieve greater connection, freedom, ease, joy and vitality, .

Clients discover for themselves fresh new possibilities and experience remarkable discoveries and recoveries.

I am filled with joy as I witness others discover, reverse and prevent disabling habits and limitations, and bring to life my mentor/teacher, Moshe Feldenkrais’s famous quote-
"to make the impossible possible, the possible easy and the easy elegant"... MF

Please reach out to me for a chat-

Sandy Leathem
Founder ‘Movement Matters’
Feldenkrais Practitioner
Embodied Ageing Consultant

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